Good Morning! :)



Just a pretty sky shot from the driveway.



Angle Birds, Oh Boy!!


My nephew just turned 3, and he calls them Angle Birds.. excitedly I might add. 😉
I wanted to make a hat for him, so I will share how I made it, so that you can give it a whirl too! 🙂

I made a plain red hdc beanie in the desired size, added a pom to the top and made the face as follows.

Materials Needed: E hook, G hook, WW black, white and yellow yarn and a bit of thin black yarn or 2 tiny buttons

Eyes: Make 2; With G hook and white WW yarn ch 2. 8 hdc in 2nd ch from hook, join. Next round; *2 hdc in each st* around, join. (16) Edging; change to black yarn *1 sc in 1st st, 2 sc in 2nd st* repeat around. (24)

Beak: Using yellow WW yarn and G hook. ch 2, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, turn ch 1. 2 hdc in only st, turn ch 1, 2 hdc in 1st st, 1 hdc in each of he next 3 sts, turn ch 1. hdc2tog, hdc in next st, hdc2tog, turn ch 1. hdc2tog, hdc in next st, turn, ch 1. hdc2tog. This should make an oblong diamond shape. Edging; Now switch to black and sc around edge, with 2 sc in each of the 4 points.

Eyebrow: Ch 22, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each of the
next 2 sts, hdc in each of the next 3, sc in each of the next
3, slip stitch in each of the next 2, sc in each of the next 3,
hdc in each of the next 3, dc in each of the next 3.

For the pupils of the eyes I used thin black yarn and a size e
hook. Make 2. (You could substitute small buttons instead) Ch 2, 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook and then join.
Sew all of the pieces onto the hat in the same way as the picture shows.

HaPpy Hooking!!

….my tag



…even better than the real thing…. *giggles*




